Cantor Sydney Michaeli

Innovation, tradition, sacred music.

Psalm 150 (Hallelujah)

Sing along to Leonard Cohen’s beautiful melody for “Hallelujah” with the words of Psalm 150. This is what prayer is all about- using our voices, our instruments, and all of our gifts to sing together in praise and hope.

“In Parashat Nitzavim, Moses reminds his community that every single person has the opportunity to take mitzvot, practices, and customs into their own hands. I see this as the role of the cantor- not only to lead their community, but to remind every single community member that they, too, are leaders and that they also can and must find the words, songs, and rituals of our sacred tradition in their hands, hearts, and mouths.

Music is one way, and I believe the most important way, to unify our communities, and to let Jews around the world know that this sacred tradition belongs to each one of us.”

Cantor Sydney Michaeli is the Assistant Cantor at Temple Rodef Shalom in Northern Virginia. She was ordained as a Cantor in May 2023 at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.